Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of School

Welcome to your first year at Hackensack Middle School! I am so excited to meet each and every one of you in class....but please don't be offended if I don't immediately remember your name (with nearly 90 students, it will take me some time to know all of you).

This year will see some changes for us all - you will be adjusting to life in the Middle School, and we teachers will be getting used to the new bell schedule (the students are not the only ones who will be checking their schedules to see where they have to go!). However, just like with everything else, we will get used to these changes and wonder why we ever thought that they would be challenging!

Hopefully, your new locker will not be giving you any trouble....but just in case it is, either ask a nearby teacher for help or watch the video posted below to help you navigate through the unlocking process:

I hope that your first day in the Middle School went very well. I am very excited to start this new school year with you! Please remember that your teachers are always there for you if you have any questions or need to talk about anything.

Have a wonderful and successful 2008-09 academic year!

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